Abt. Yamuna but not just yamuna.
. every river, every lake,every water body getting polluted.full of our sewage.
.We take water, return sewage.
.80% of water leaves as sewage.
. cities are growing , need more water, discharge more pollution.
.Dirty water means ill healty : biggest cause of children death.

In the past the river used to be the main source of life for drinking water, communication and irrigation. Thus serving as the lifeline for the human kind. The pollutants were limited to storm water drains. But with the post world war II in general and post independence in particular, India witnessed massive deforestation leading to soil erosion and related problems. Simultaneously industrialization and emphasis of modern living gained momentum. All the major industries are on the bank of one or the other river. Yamuna outnumbers any other river in the number of industries on its banks. This is because it passes through many major (post independence) industrial cities. But real problem of Yamuna pollution starts when it passes through state of Delhi. Research shows that before it passes through Delhi, the water quality is very much under control. The stretch between Wazirabad and Okhla barrage in Delhi is only 2% of its catchment area, but it contributes about 80% of the river’s total pollution load.More than 57 million people depend on the YamunaRiver for drinking water, but at least 720 mld (190 mgd) of wastewater entering the river is untreated, according to the National River Conservation Directorate (NRCD;New Delhi), the federal agency responsible for cleanup efforts in India. Organic pollutants and pathogens in wastewater make up approximately 75% to 80% of the river's pollution load, while most other pollution comes from industrial discharges. About 2000 million litres of sewage is pumped into the river from Delhi every day, and its water is now unfit to support any life.The 22 km between the Wazirabad and Okhla barrages is called Delhi segment, while the 490 km stretch between Okhla barrage and the confluence with the Chambal River is known as the eutrophicated segment because of the quality of its water.
a significant volume of wastewater generated remains untapped and finds its way into open drains." It comes as no surprise, then, that Delhi treats only 35 per cent of its sewage.
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